
Mallow Tuition Centre are great believers in student satisfaction. Here is a sample of some feedback from students that have worked with us.

Laura, Mallow

"Mallow Tuition Centre really helped me tackle revising such a huge maths course and were always so helpful both in grinds and out providing extra pre exams and revision courses at Christmas and Easter. I would highly recommend them to everyone whether they are striving for a high grade or need that bit of extra help to get by.

Laura achieved a H2 in Maths and is now studying Dentistry in UCC.

Eoghan, Kilavullen

"Mallow Tuition Centre was hugely influential in me receiving the grade that I did. Brian and Eoghan broke down the vast course content into clearly distinguishable sections. Their first class notes accompanied by a hands on and personal approach to your own specific learning style helped me retain information that I previously could not do. Above all they made what I previously thought to be a mountain of work seem small and manageable. I genuinely could not recommend them enough."

Eoghan achieved a H3 in Maths and is now studying Mechanical Engineering in UL.

David, Mallow

"Really great service, much more relaxed and exam focused approach then regular classes. Really helpful information on where to put your big time into if you are looking for a good grade in Maths!"

David achieved a H3 in Maths and is now studying Engineering in UCC.

Cillian, Kilshannig

"Mallow Tuition Centre was essential for me receiving the grade I did Brian and Eoghan broke everything down making it easier to learn and understand. They’re techniques such as referencing Maths problems to everyday situations really helped me grasp many of the concepts in Maths. At the start of the Leaving Certificate year I was uncertain about staying at Higher level but Mallow Tuition Centre helped me pass Maths, I would recommend them to any student at any ability they won’t regret it, great value for money!"

Cillian achieved a H6 in Maths and is now studying Common Engineering in CIT.

Dorian, Mallow

"Excellent grinds teachers, really helped me a lot. I finally began to understand parts of the course that initially were very hard to me. Anyone who is need of grinds for Junior Certificate or Leaving Certificate should sign up as fast as possible and get the best out of their time. I only took part for three months myself."

Dorian achieved an O5 in Maths.

Dylan, Ballyclough

"The grinds really helped me as I started to panic after my pre results but Brian and Eoghan got me to the H4 grade which was huge for me. They made sure that everyone in the class was the best they can be with helpful and easy to follow notes while giving us challenging questions to test us. Overall I couldn't have got my grade without the lads and would recommend Mallow Tuition Centre to all Junior and Leaving Cert. students."

Dylan achieved a H4 in Maths and is now studying Biological and Chemical Sciences in UL. 

Carla, Mallow

"Really good grinds and very easy to understand. I really improved my maths as I went from a H5 in my pres to a H4 in the real thing and I couldn’t have done it without Brian! Would recommend their grinds to anyone."

Carla achieved a H4 in Maths and is now studying Biomedical Science in NUIG.

Vivienne, Dromohane

"I found the maths grinds brilliant! I would not have felt any bit confident walking into the exam if I hadn't gotten the maths grinds! I felt I could ask any questions without feeling embarrassed. Helped me get the grade I needed for my course."

Vivienne achieved an O3 and is now studying Equine Business

Áine, Mallow

"I recently repeated my leaving certificate maths and attended Mallow Tuition Centre once a week to help me study for the exam. I was completing a PLC course in the area which meant it was easy for me to attend the classes. The teacher was very supportive and gave each student individual attention and help if they required it. I would like to thank Mallow Tuition Centre for helping me achieve this grade. Having done higher level maths the previous year, the grinds classes helped me understand what I found difficult. I would highly recommend Maths Grinds Mallow as they were extremely encouraging and gave great feedback."

Áine achieved an O3 in Maths and is now studying Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry in C.I.T.